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20 Cognitive Biases That Screw Up Your Decisions

20 Cognitive Biases That Screw Up Your Decisions A subjective inclination, as per Wikipediaâ refers to a systematicâ deviation from obj...

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Process Involved in Choosing a Measurement Tool for Variables in Research

Process Involved in Choosing a Measurement Tool for Variables in Research According to Santayana (2008, p.1), â€Å"measurement is at the core of doing research†. Generally, after conducting research, researchers have to reduce their finding to numbers in order for people to understand their study findings. Such measurements are exceptionally essential in the measurement of hypotheses. Researchers therefore must come up with sound measurement tools for both independent and dependent variables.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Process Involved in Choosing a Measurement Tool for Variables in Research specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Measurement is not as easy as it sounds. It is composed of four basic principles. The first two, conceptualization and operationalization are a bit simple. The other two are more advanced and complicated. They include determining the levels of measurement and measuring validity and reliability. Conceptualization involves defining a concept. Thus, researcher s must define that particular concept in a manner that is understandable by the scientific community. Researchers are allowed to borrow conceptualization from their predecessors and other researchers. On the other hand, operationalization involves making the conceptual definition more precise. This often involves linking the conceptual definition to one or more indicators. The indicators chosen must reflect observable reality in numbers. For example, in the parent involvement study, the conceptual definition is ‘parents’ involvement’. However, the operational definition is ‘parents’ role construction’. It is also important when giving an operational definition to establish the unit of analysis. In addition, a researcher needs to evaluate the level of measurement. Santayana (2008, p.1) indicates that â€Å"the level of measurement is the precision by which a variable is measured and there are four levels of measurement namely nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio†. The four levels are named from the lowest to the highest. On the other hand, Stevens (1951, p. 1) states that â€Å"everything that can be measured falls in the aforementioned levels and the higher the type, the more the precision in measurement†. Variables that are categorical in nature usually fall in the nominal level while those that have significant importance fall in the ordinal level. Variables that have significant distances between their ranks fall in the interval level. On the other hand, variables that have fixed intervals and a fixed reference point are grouped in the ratio level. It is for these reasons that Creswell (2011) holds the opinion that researchers must define their variables conceptually and operationally while putting into account the levels of measurement since these factors eventually determine how the data collected is analyzed. In the parent involvement study, ‘parents’ involvement’ falls in the ord inal level.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Creswell (2011) also notes that accurate researches are accurate and valid. Validity can be measured using four methods namely face, content, criterion and construct. On the other hand, reliability can be estimated using the following methods test retest, multiple forms, inter rater, and split half. Therefore, in order to locate an instrument that is to be used to measure a given variable, a researcher must put into account a number of factors. First and foremost, according to Slavin (1984), the researcher must define his concept conceptually and operationally. After that, the researcher must establish the level of measurement in which his or her variable falls. In addition, the researcher must detect the rationales he or she will use to estimate validity and reliability. The achievement of this goal relies on having proper concept ual and operational definition and the establishment of the level of measurement of the variable. References Cresewell, J. (2011). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. New York: Pearson. Santayana, G. (2008). Measurement, Reliability, and Validity. Web. Slavin, R. (1984). Research Methods in Education: A Practical Guide. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Stevens, S. (1951). Handbook of Experimental Psycholog. New York: Weley.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Process Involved in Choosing a Measurement Tool for Variables in Research specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More

Friday, November 22, 2019

Requisitos del acta de nacimiento para Inmigracin

Requisitos del acta de nacimiento para Inmigracin Si le han pedido un acta  de nacimiento o debe presentarlo durante la tramitacià ³n de una peticià ³n o solicitud migratoria para Estados Unidos, es posible que sienta inquietud porque desconoce los requisitos que debe cumplir el documento. No se preocupe, este artà ­culo resuelve todas las dudas. Se aclara quà © informacià ³n debe contener el acta de nacimiento para ser admitido por las autoridades migratorias. Tambià ©n si debe estar traducido y/o notarizado y quà © hacer cuando es  imposible conseguir uno. Y es que si se saben las reglas no es complicado seguir sin problemas con la tramitacià ³n que se est gestionando. Antes de empezar, comentar que un acta de nacimiento se puede llamar en algunos paà ­ses certificado  o partida de nacimiento. En todo caso, es lo mismo y aquà ­ los tres nombres se utilizan indiferentemente. Situaciones para las que se pide un acta de nacimiento Lo cierto es que pueden ser muy variadas pero por lo general tiene lugar en tres tipos de trmites: cuando un ciudadano americano debe acreditar su nacionalidad es uno de los documentos admitidos cuando se ha nacido en Estados Unidos. Asà ­ se solicita una copia.para los trmites para obtener una visa de inmigrante (tambià ©n conocida como green card o tarjeta de residencia). Este requisito se pide tanto en los ajustes de estatus (I-485) como en los procedimientos consulares.Y, por à ºltimo, en la tramitacià ³n del I-9, para verificar que se es elegible para trabajar. Aunque puede suceder que se solicite un acta de nacimiento para trmites relacionados con las visas no inmigrantes, estos casos no son frecuentes. Requisitos del acta de nacimiento extranjero para Inmigracià ³n Es frecuente que las autoridades migratorias o consulares soliciten un acta de nacimiento a personas extranjeras como parte de la tramitacià ³n de peticiones o solicitudes. En estos casos, es  preciso presentar una copia del certificado emitido por otro paà ­s que debe incluir todos los siguientes requisitos: Nombre y apellidos completos, sin incluir inicialesFecha y lugar de nacimientoNombre de los padresSello de la autoridad que emite el documento como, por ejemplo, el Registro CivilAnotacià ³n de la autoridad que lo emite en el que se especifica que es una copia del original No se admite un acta de nacimiento emitido por el consulado o la embajada de un paà ­s en los Estados Unidos.  ¿Tiene que estar notarizado? Para casos relacionados con la obtencià ³n de la tarjeta de residencia (green card) el certificado de nacimiento no tiene que estar notarizado, ni certificado ni apostillado.  Adems, no es necesario el original, basta con una simple copia (el sello y la firma tienen que ser orginales). Para otro tipo de trmites, seguir fielmente las instrucciones sobre requerimientos, ya que pueden ser diferentes.  ¿Tiene que estar traducido al inglà ©s? Por à ºltimo, si el documento no est en inglà ©s hay que traducirlo. No es necesario que la traduccià ³n la realice un traductor certificado. Basta que la realice una persona con buenos conocimientos del inglà ©s y del espaà ±ol y que asà ­ lo afirme y se identifique en una declaracià ³n jurada (affidavit). Se puede seguir este modelo de carta. Lo que sà ­ es imprescindible es que dicha traduccià ³n la realice una persona distinta al beneficiario de la peticià ³n migratoria. Tampoco puede realizarla el patrocinador de una  green card.  ¿Quà © hacer cuando no hay acta de nacimiento o contiene errores? En casos muy concretos y extraordinarios no ser posible presentar el acta de nacimiento porque o bien nunca existià ³ o bien los archivos en los que se encontraba se han destruido o no es posible encontrar la anotacià ³n original. Incluso porque el registro del nacimiento no se realizà ³ durante el primer aà ±o de vida. Cuando asà ­ suceda las autoridades de inmigracià ³n permiten presentar documentacià ³n secundaria para probar el nacimiento. En primer lugar, hay que dirigirse al Registro Civil o a la oficina oficial que en la actualidad lleve este asunto en el lugar donde la persona nacià ³ y solicitar que se emita un certificado de falta de registro en el que se seà ±ale claramente que se ha buscado la documentacià ³n solicitada y que no se ha encontrado. Y a continuacià ³n se puede acompaà ±ar tal certificado de falta de registro con evidencias adicionales, siendo la preferida una declaracià ³n jurada de una persona - puede ser un familiar- que hubiera tenido conocimiento directo del nacimiento. Si no es posible, pueden admitirse rà ©cords como el de bautismo o incluso informes mà ©dicos o escolares. El Departamento de Estado publica una lista de documentos que pueden presentarse como evidencia secundaria de nacimiento y que puede cambiar de paà ­s a paà ­s, por lo que de darse el caso es recomendable consultar directamente con la oficina consular cuya jurisdiccià ³n se extienda al lugar en el que tuvo lugar en nacimiento. Informacià ³n especà ­fica para mexicanos en Estados Unidos Algunos estados mexicanos permiten solicitar el acta de nacimiento por internet. Estos son los pasos a seguir. La vida que espera como residente permanente Ya que muchos de los trmites para los que se solicita un certificado de nacimiento estn relacionados con una peticià ³n de green card es conveniente recordar que el  estatus de residente no es igual al de un ciudadano. Y que la residencia es, sin duda, un privilegio y, como tal, va acompaà ±ada de una serie de obligaciones que hay que cumplir.   Una gran forma de conocer los derechos y las obligaciones y asegurarse de que se conoce todo lo imprescindible para conservar la tarjeta de residencia es completar con à ©xito este test de respuestas mà ºltiples. Un modo fcil y rpido de adquirir informacià ³n fundamental.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

What I Learned from Getting Knocked Around by Steve Macone Essay

What I Learned from Getting Knocked Around by Steve Macone - Essay Example Reducing a conflict into bits of a puzzle allows the parties understand it more and construct a conclusion from such a conflict. As such it requires the reader to ask themselves exactly what the arguments are and how the arguments are put together in the conflict. Steve Macone’s piece â€Å"What I learned from getting knocked around† alludes heavily to his profile history and background. The subject and thesis is curved from an almost too popular topic of football a game that is not just a national sport but a source of entertainment for many across the globe. It is a symbol for society and common uniting factor for most audiences. This makes it an even broader thesis and serves to offer a wide background for the interplay of conflict and the presentation of ideas. He presents the subject with a resounding naivity and allows the piece to grow the subject from ground zero letting us through a trip into the world of football. The subject is discussed in the simplicity of the occurrence of the events from a naà ¯ve and unfamiliar perspective leaving out the specific expert details and rules. It is an innocent bystanders approach and explanation of football that gives an account of what football is all about. The purpose of the article falls back to the authors profile and history as an entertainer and comedian. He is in a strict sense and with regard to his accomplishments a crowd pleaser and therefore consciously or subconsciously reaches out to the audience beyond the normal impressive facts about football to the exciting and thrilling experiences of a player. This has the effect of growing multiple intentions and creating mixed reactions on the true purpose of the article. From a conscious stand one would draw a critique of the safety and actual rationale of the game beyond the impressive running and locking of horns between players. he introduces the piece with a rather fragile platform of argument â€Å"I’d known there was hitting in football but

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Major and Career Research Paper Annotated Bibliography

Major and Career Research Paper - Annotated Bibliography Example The researchers noted that shortage in logistics contributed to the major challenges affecting the supply chain management process. The financial challenges contributed to the increase in demand and supply of goods and services. These shortages are operational and affect planning and controlling of supply chains. Finally, Andreas and Robert noted that the cost of logistics remains a major influence in the management of supply chains. Gadde, Hakansson and Persson focused on the supply chain companies. Their book provided a summary of twenty-five businesses in the area of selling goods and services. The book mainly focused on current issues connected to the supplier of goods and services so as to produce effective supply chain networks. The report is separated into three sections, and it started by exploring the challenges that affect the supply chain management. The second section of the book explored the different supply chain networks from the sellers’ interactional perception. The part looked at the selling activity and the structures of supply chain. The third part presented the boundaries in terms of the relationship between the supply networks, and how they can be designed. Finally, the book presented the efficiency of supply chains and how they can form a proper unit of analysis for example, several transactions, single transaction with one give supplier or different suppliers at a given system leve l. These researchers completed their project in four stages whereby they conducted a literature review, interviews, survey, and conducted an analysis of the findings as well as a report. Findings indicated that with the increase in new technologies, different supply companies are currently identifying the need of investment in modern technology. They recommended that organization should adopt strategies that can adjust quickly with the increase in technological development. Organizations should also allow suppliers to make their own decisions

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Business Ethics Essay Example for Free

Business Ethics Essay As we have discussed the ethical issued related to production and distribution of wine, we will now focus on the ethical issues relating to the consumption of wine. The consumption of wine in U. S. has been on the rise since last fifteen years. The U. S. ranks 34th in wine consuming nations with wine consumption of 7. 69 liters per capita per annum. The consumption of wine in 1994 was 404 million gallons which increased to 658 million gallons in the year 2008. These figures show the growing popularity of wine in U. S. Consumption grew 2. 5% per annum. As capita income per person has increased, the wine consumption has also seen a increasing trend. According to U. S. Beverage Marketing Corporation, the organic wine consumption have rise in last few years. As people are getting environmental and health conscious, they are turning towards organic products. In 2003/04, organic wine consumption was about 6. 5% of total beverage market in U. S. , which increased to 9. 5% in the year 2007/08. This signifies the important aspect of change in the human nature that is turning to the products which is beneficial to both humans and environment. The type of wine customer consumes depends on the number of factors namely per capita income, household size, preference of quality over price etc. The nutrition facts of wine are minimal. There is no cholesterol or fat present in the wine. Generally, the alcohol content ranges in between 10-15%. Over consumption of wine can be dangerous to health as it can cause unconsciousness and high blood pressure. Nutrition Facts (Serving Size 6 oz) Amount per serving| Red Wine| White Wine| Calories| 123| 115| Protein| . 28 grams| . 14 grams| Cholesterol | 0| 0| Sodium | 8. 5 milligrams| 8. 5 milligrams| Carbohydrates| 2. 9 grams| 1. 35 grams| Vitamin B1(Thiamin)| . 01 %| . 01 %| Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)| . 05 %| . 01 %| Vitamin B3 (Niacin)| . 13 %| . 12 %| Organic wine is the wine produced from organically grown grapes without adding any sulfites. Organic wine is the best quality wine obtained without relying on chemical fertilizers. The most important aspect of producing organic wine is the matching of unique characteristics of growing region with the most suitable variety of grapes. Different varieties of grapes need different soil and climate to grow. Usually, warm and dry climates are suitable for growing quality grapes and these climates protect the grapes against moulds and other diseases resulting from humid climate. The smaller sized grapes are suitable and desired for the production of organic wine because we get the distinctive taste for a particular wine from grape’s skin and the smaller grapes has high skin to juice ratio as compared to the large sized grapes. But the yield per field of small sized grapes is considerably low, which increase the cost of production per unit volume. The grapes in the organic vineyard are usually handpicked which allows only the ripest and healthiest grapes to be picked up. This process also minimizes the damage to the soil and the fruit. This accounts for the difference in taste of the wine. But this handpicking of grapes increase the labor costs. Low yield and handpicking of grapes, along with other factors, increase the overall production costs. Thus, organic wine is generally expensive than the regular wine. It is far better in quality and taste than the regular cheap wine. The consumption of organic wine has effect on the environment. As the grapes have been grown naturally, no pesticides or insecticide had been used and re-plantation of oak trees to replace the cut oak trees helps in preserving the nature and benefits the world around us by preserving the soil and help reducing the pollution to both air and soil. It helps maintain the balance of nature. The organic wine production is an ethical business process. Nobody feels cheated in this process, as the customer gets the quality products for the dollars he/she spends and know what he is getting as there is no deception on the labels, and the producer get the return for following the sincere ethical processes. Customers get the value for the money spent as they get high quality wine with distinctive taste. On the other hand, the producer earns enough to cover his costs of production and also makes a profit. The environment is also saved through this ethical business practices which is the biggest gain. On the other hand, the regular wine can be produced with the large sized grapes and the insecticides and pesticides are used on a large scale. As the yield of large grapes is more, the cost of production per unit volume is low. This results in lower prices. The regular wine is pretty cheap and available in abundance qualities. Thus, it is affordable to people with low income. It is cost friendly to both the wine producers and the customers. Wine producers can adopt mass production of the regular wine as the production costs are low and there are no special regulations to be followed, this result in increased profits. Customers are also attracted to the low- priced wine as they have to spend less and get their wine desire satisfied with this low priced regular wine as compared to costly organic wine. But there are consequences of drinking cheap wine. The production of regular wine has an adverse effect on the environment. As the consumption of regular wine is increasing, so does the adverse effects. The use of unlimited pesticides, insecticides and other chemicals not only pollute the soil but also the air we breathe. It even spoils the water bed beneath the soil. The deforestation of the oak trees is rapidly increasing. The effects are adverse than we could even think and they are long termed/ lived. The cheap wine could have health consequences too. The sulfites present in the wine can degrade person’s health. The cheap wine has much higher sulfur content than expensive organic wines. The consumption of this cheap wine could results in allergies, breathing problems, skin rashes, itches and nausea. Overindulgence of wine can raise the blood pressure which could be harmful. In the recent years, the genetically engineering wine production is on the rise. It is the method of wine production using the gene altered grapes. The genetically engineered vineyards are more resistant to the fungal diseases than the traditional vineyards. The main motive behind the genetical engineering is to make vineyards more resistant to diseases and increase the output of grapes. The researched concluded that these disease resistant plants would need very less pesticides, thus lowering the use of pesticide in production process. This is really beneficial for the environment. But it is feared that the genetically altered genes may result in uniformity of taste of different wines. But according to the reports; people have not accepted the genetically engineered wine. They have rejected the concept of genetically engineered wine as the fears of taste uniformity have raised concerns. According to the report by Greenpeace, California wine makers may have to face mass consumer rejection if they accepted the genetically engineered grapes for their wine production process. British retailers have also threatened California wine makers to quit importing their wine if they adopted the genetically engineered wine making process. Fact is that, Britain is the largest importer of California wine as it imports 30% of the state’s wine. Researchers have found out that the gene which is inserted into the wine grapes create a protein similar to that present in the bee venom. This could cause anaphylactic shock in some people and can also create other health issues. This deadly substance could not be put out the production process of the genetically engineered wine.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Nature of Space in Kafkas The Castle :: Kafka Castle Essays

The Nature of Space in Kafka's The Castle    From the end of the nineteenth century to the outbreak of World War I, great developments in technology and knowledge brought about significant changes in the way man viewed time and space. The necessity of clear train schedules led to the development of World Standard Time and the plurality of private time. In regards to space, with which this paper deals, man moved into other subjective realms beyond the two and three dimensions described by Euclid. In fact, with Einstein's theory of relativity, the number of spaces inherent in life increased beyond calculation to equal the number of moving reference systems of all the matter in the universe. This theory echoes Nietzche's contemporary philosophical theory of perspectivism, where space only consists of points of view and interpretations, not objective facts. Thus, these two doctrines signaled a breakdown of the old notion that there is a single reality, a single, absolute space. Space became subjective and relative, man could not be sure of what it was that actually surrounded him and made up his physical world.    Creative artists, painters and novelists, attempted to deal with this new concept. Attacks were made on traditional notions that there is only one space and that a single point of view is equal to an understanding. Writers, specifically, responded with multiple perspectives depicting different views of the same objects in space in order to demonstrate that the world is always different as it is perceived by various observers at varying times. Man had to come to grips with the fact that with such a plurality of space, he cannot know, understand, or even see the physical world completely.    Thus, it is not surprising that Kafka's final work, The Castle, which emerged out of the pluralism and confusion of this age, deals with this new notion of space, this new relativity of the world surrounding man. While the book can be looked at on a spiritual level, with the castle symbolizing divinity or the ultimate spiritual meaning of man's existence, in regards to space, the castle could also symbolize the actual literal, physical world. Through the nature of K. and his quest, the different ways the Castle is perceived by K. from various viewpoints along his quest, and the inability of anyone to know the true nature of the castle officials, Kafka

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Classroom Observation

Classroom Observation I. Setting a. Reading class b. 2 staff/approximately 17 students c. Smaller class than usual and one of a few classrooms that have an additional staff (paraprofessional) d. 4th grade (student functions on 2nd grade level for Reading) II. Type of Task a. Independent reading/worksheet Antecedent Student is presented with an independent reading task. Behavior Disruption Consequences Least to most hierarchy of student’s specific behavior plan. Antecedent in detail When presented with an independent reading assignment (following similar group work assignment) student will become frustrated because of the difficulty of the assignment causing the maladaptive behavior described Behavior in detail For this student disruptive behavior is defined as any occurrence of calling out, teasing others, name calling, kicking his desk, and/or screaming/yelling that interferes with his and his peers’ instructional time. Consequences in detail This student’s maladaptive behavior of disruption will result in consequences that range from the least to most hierarchy. This is specifically redirection to task, verbal reprimand of upcoming consequences, in class time out away from the majority of the students (at this time the student is still required to be working on the independent task), out of class time out (monitored by the paraprofessional), sent to the behavior specialist assigned to this student. This last step typically results in a phone call to the parent/guardian explaining the student’s maladaptive behavior. It also may result in the requirement of a meeting of the pertinent parties involved (teacher, paraprofessional, and behavior specialist. Dwayne Williams03/29/2010 AntecedentsBehaviorConsequenceFunction Student is presented with an independent reading task. Disruption Least to most hierarchy of student’s specific behavior plan. For Attention Peers Staff

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Queer Theology

Queer theology Definition Queer is by definition whatever is at odds with the normal, the legitimate, the dominant. There is nothing in particular to which it necessarily refers. It is an identity without an essence. ‘Queer' then, demarcates not a positivity but a positionality vis-a-vis the normative A â€Å"pro-feminist gay theology† was proposed by J. M. Clark and G. McNeil in 1992, and a â€Å"queer theology† by  Robert Goss  in  Jesus acted up: A gay and lesbian manifesto  ( Explain two of the main contributors to feminist theology Elizabeth Stuart (born 1963)Professor Stuart was consecrated as a Bishop in the Open Episcopal Church (a small, independent grouping within the United Kingdom). In 2006 she became Archbishop of the Province of Great Britain and Ireland of the Liberal Catholic Church International. Her published works include: * Gay and Lesbian Theologies: Repetitions and Critical Difference * Just Good Friends: Towards a Lesbian and Gay The ology of Relationships * Daring to Speak Love’s Name * Religion is a Queer Thing * Lesbian and Gay Theologies: Repetitions with Critical Difference Prof Gerard LoughlinGerard Loughlin  BA MA (Wales) PhD (Cambridge) is Professor of Theology and Religion at the  University of Durham,  England. He is the  author  of  Telling God's Story: Bible Church and Narrative Theology  (Cambridge University Press 1996) and  Alien Sex: The Body and Desire in Cinema and Theology  (Blackwell 2004). These works show Stuart moving from a liberationist approach to an approach grounded in queer theory. She now argues that gender and sexuality are not matters of ultimate theological concerns and that the Christian duty is to refuse to work theologically with such categories.His work included: the relationship between God and Israel: Husband to wife. Jesus to the Church, Husband to wife. The Church includes BOTH genders. Therefore man to man in matrimony. He believes that the Churc h is looking at this in a symbolic way rather than facing up to the fact that it is what God/ Jesus wants. He talks of the love between Jesus and his disciples ‘John of Zebedee left his wife/wife to be to follow Jesus whom he loved! ’ There is a question over WHO got married at the Wedding in Cana- was it his disciples? Two men? John and Jesus are said to be ‘symbolically married’.He believes that this is significant when discussing gender roles and biology. A ‘natural kind’ of marriage –woman and man- is a ‘fantasy’ and not realistic. The use of ‘queer’ used to be an insult. It should now offer a sense of pride to Gay people. Is queer theology rooted in the bible It is rooted in the bible as it believes the fundamental concepts of Christian theology – e. g. trinity, Jesus and his resurrection etc It is not rooted in the bible as Scripture begins and ends with the picture of marriage as an institution ord ained by God – designed for the union of a man and a woman in a life-long, faithful, covenantal relationship.This view is affirmed by Moses, Christ and Paul, and has been upheld through thousands of years of Judeo Christian history and tradition. Pro-gay revisionists usually do not even attempt to address God's created intent for human sexuality, but instead twist Scripture and argue against those texts which condemn same-sex behaviour. Link five teachings from the bible that support queer theology * The argument that if God's presence and gifts of love are manifest in a gay-affirming church and in homosexual relationships, it is evidence that God accepts and blesses homosexual behaviour. The argument that â€Å"I'm a born-again believer and I'm gay, therefore homosexuality must be okay† is * The argument that Jesus said nothing about homosexuality in the gospels * Bible translators mistranslated five references to sexual ethics in two different testaments of Scripture . And there is also a possibility that they only mistranslated Scriptures regarding homosexual behaviour. * References to God condemning homosexual behaviour is directed to homosexual prostitutes not to homosexuals as a whole * Love between Jesus and his disciples ‘John of Zebedee left his wife/wife to be to follow Jesus whom he loved! John and Jesus are said to be ‘symbolically married * There is a question over WHO got married at the Wedding in Cana- was it his disciples? Two men? How does queer theology link with liberation theology? Queer Theology is grounded in Liberation Theology that respects the experiences of those who have been systematically alienated and abused by the traditional religious establishment. It is imperative that lesbian and gay Christians embrace the hermeneutics of suspicion and interpret scriptures accordingly. The queer Christian community must live within church structures in light of being a part of the underside of society.A large part of the mission of Queer Spirituality is to challenge doctrinal and theological imperialism that has infiltrated many churches. Queer Theology has no choice but to help build the Reign of God by seeking to destroy unjust and oppressive ecclesial structures and teachings. Queer Spirituality has no choice but to fight the battle for God’s justice with righteous anger and speak the truth in the mist of adversity and strife. Queer Theology must work for freedom and liberation by waging a spiritual battle against domination, control, power, and abuse of church authority by confronting distorted beliefs about lesbian and gay Christians.Queer Spirituality is a call to reject churches that hijack human dignity and freedom in the name of religion. Queer Theology can only embrace a spirituality that cultivates honesty, healing, affection, compassion, and justice. Queer Spirituality can only be authentic when seeking to cast out the demons of poverty, injustice, racism, violence, prejudice, exploitation, or homophobia in any form — whether they are within us, our government, or our churches. While formulating a Queer Spirituality, lesbian and gay Christians need to dig deep into, appreciate, and learn from a noble and splendid Hebrew-Christian heritage.Queer Christians must draw from this heritage the strength to believe that the God of compassion and mercy always conquers and triumphs over the evil of homophobia, hatred, and bigotry. Queer theology basics conclusion – * Queer theologians wanted to construct a theology which came directly from their own context * ‘queering’ involves a re- interpretation and definition of our language and practices from the perspective of homosexual people * Queer theology is closely related to philosophical and socio political movement of queer studies

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Meaningless and thoughtless facts Essay Example

Meaningless and thoughtless facts Essay Example Meaningless and thoughtless facts Paper Meaningless and thoughtless facts Paper The girls confidence is undermined further when she is asked to describe a horse. After a moment of awkward silence focused on Sissy, the schools idea of a perfect pupil proceeds to churn out many facts about the horse resulting in a precise but uninspired definition. The perfect response, it seems, is a list of meaningless and thoughtless facts. Bitzer appears dull and uninteresting, if he were cut, he would bleed white.  Some boy, as he is referred to (perhaps Dickens is venting his irritation at this type of child by using such a general, characterless term) defines a horse: Quadruped. Graminivorous. Forty teeth, namely twenty-four grinders, four eyeteeth, and twelve incisive. Sheds coat in spring; in marshy countries, sheds hooves, too. Hooves hard, but requiring to be shod with iron. Age known by marks on mouth.  This explanation of a horse is completely factual, devoid of emotion, imagination or fancy.  Sissy is positioned at one end of the room, receiving a full beam of sunshine from the window, appearing radiant and even angelic, whilst Bitzer, who sits at the other end of the classroom, fails to catch the end. The girl was so dark-eyed and dark-haired that she seemed to receive a deeper more lustrous colour from the sunthe boy was so light-eyed and light-haired that the same self-rays appeared to draw out of him what little colour he ever possessed.  Dickens uses this idea to highlight the difference between Gradgrinds ideal pupil and Sissy who has not yet succumbed to the dehumanisation. This may have another meaning too; Gradgrind has not yet drained Sissy of her colour and emotions (she appears alive), yet Bitzer, a frequent victim of Gradgrinds lessons, has been sapped of these qualities. Dull facts have taken their place. Dickens presents Gradgrind as a hard man and this is reflected in his name, which is harsh and blunt. Dickens describes Gradgrinds mouth as wide, thin and hard set, and his voice as inflexible, dry and dictorial. He is described as square and stubborn too The emphasis was helped by the speakers square wall of a forehead, which had his eyebrows for its base. His head is described as a, warehouse-room for the hard facts stored inside. Mr. Gradgrind, like any teacher seems to have his favourite pupils. They are usually children that are intelligent and bright, which again, is not uncommon among teachers. Dickens describes Gradgrind as square, he says that he wore a square coat, had square legs, square shoulders, a square wall of a forehead and a square forefinger, which all help to add emphasis to Gradgrinds strange stature. The repeated use of the theme square gives the image of something completely equal, symmetrical, in a way perfectly calculated, just like Gradgrinds mind. A square is boring and dull though it suitably imitates Gradgrind. Dickens said of his eyes, To have found commodious cellarage in two dark caves, overshadowed This states that Gradgrinds eyes, (eyes often being thought of as a true character display), show no sign of life or liveliness, the fact that the eyes, representing life and imagination, are overshadowed by the wall, tells me that Gradgrind has lost all character and imagination. Barry Hines presents Gryce in a similar way but cunningly uses a modified version of onomatopoeia via his name that evokes images of slime, grease and evilness. Both authors use this naming technique to portray characters in each novel. Mr. MChoakumchild from Hard Times certainly stretches the limit of a realistic persons name but it does create images of children choking extremely effectively! Mr. Gradgrind is portrayed as a very rigid person, with a certain monotone about him. He hates all fiction and is absent of feeling and emotion, which makes him very uninteresting to pupils. This is reflected in pupils like Bitzer, who makes the horse sound boring, like a machine even. Thomas Gradgrind totally believes in the teaching of facts only as did most schools as teachings during this period were void of poetry, make-believe tales, or song. Children were brought up upon facts and figures because it was found that children in London believed that Jack the Giant-killer, Jack and the Bean-stalk, and Jack and Jill were real life people. The children in these areas were ignorant dreamers who aspired to be like the famous Jacks and slay giants, dragons and other mythical creatures and ride off with the princesses. This was why statisticians and people in power immediately called for a plan that would store the minds of children with nothing but facts and figures. When this system inevitably fails towards the end of the novel, Dickens could be trying to show the reader that to teach children successfully, emotion and feeling must somehow be incorporated into their education. A Kestrel for a Knave is based in and around a secondary modern school (similar to Hard Times) run by Mr. Grice. It accommodates the failures of the eleven plus exam; those ultimately destined for working class jobs. Pupils faced harsh, violent punishments that were suppressed by the authority. The boys, however, still rebel against the system, as it seems to the reader that eventually the punishments become a way of life. The boys are called by their surnames (an improvement upon numbers but still lacking emotion). It would seem that the system has failed Billy as he is in his last year at school and isnt yet competent at reading or writing. Though the lack of support from his mother may have heeded Billys progress significantly, Id presume that Billy has probably been left to study with little or no help from his mother or his brother; Jud. One lesson we witness in A Kestrel for a Knave also aims to teach the pupils about facts. However Mr. Farthing who is a caring and a more fatherly teacher (once again links in with the name) teaches this lesson. Mr. Farthing has gained some respect from the class of boys from his kind personality. Although the lesson has the same content as the lesson in Hard Times, it becomes obvious that Farthings teaching is different. He manages to involve Billy in the lesson, which is an achievement as Billy is normally shy, lacking motivation. Farthing teaches in a more relaxed fashion, allowing the lesson to flow whilst also welcoming input from the boys. He encourages Billy to participate and makes him feel positively unique as he has something interesting to share with the class. Billy speaks about Kes, who he has raised and trained, and Farthing seems genuinely interested Jesses, how do you spell that? He writes words on the board, involving the whole class while discussing one persons unusual talent. Billy becomes the teacher for a while as Farthing does not control as Gradgrind does. The lesson becomes full of individuality as Billy shares his unusual hobby and his confidence grows. This would never have happened in a lesson taught by Gradgrind, he would never encourage a pupil to take over his position and would think a pastime like Billys ridiculous. The way in which Farthing nurtures Billys thoughts reflects the way in which Billy has nurtured Kes and the time and devotion that Billy has shown the bird is matched, although on a smaller scale, by the way Farthing waits for Billy to reveal his thoughts and questions him gently. However, few teachers manage children as Farthing does therefore few children are encouraged and nurtured on a one to one basis, most are merely generalised: Billy and some fellow students stand in Mr. Gryces office, where a poor messenger gets caught up with the group and is forced to temporarily keep hold of their cigarettes. Mr. Gryce finds the cigarettes, accuses the small boy of being a regular cigarette factory and calls him deceitful. The boy, who appears never to have had a beating in his life, receives the cane, which proceeds to make him vomit violently. Gryce seems to think that he knows everything that there is to know about the education system. For that reason he doesnt listen to the boys frequent interruptions and attempts to save himself. The reader of the Bible in the previous scene read his extract during the school assembly with no expression and very little punctuation. The sense of irony stands out that this is completely the opposite of the twentieth century education method.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How a Forester Begins a Career

How a Forester Begins a Career Entering and completing a forestry career can be the most rewarding thing a person can do in ones lifetime. If you become familiar with the expectations, can accept demanding entry-level work and have a true love of forests and nature, you will do just fine. Most successful foresters know this and earn the title of successful resource manager. Many consider them true naturalists. Every foresters goals should be working toward becoming a proficient and complete natural resource scientist with a willingness to change. A forester must be flexible to change which will include dealing with shifting forest management priorities, influencing popular political environmental and energy policies plus understanding climate change concerns while utilizing forests for dozens of uses. So, how do you start the process of becoming a graduate forester? Q: Do you have to be a forester to have a career in the forest? A: I frequently get employment, career and job questions on forestry and becoming a forester or forestry technician. Just how do you begin a forestry career or find a job with a conservation organization or company? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the largest employer of forestry personnel...read more. Q: What should you expect to do as a new forester?A:There arent many careers where you do so much with such variation! Foresters spend considerable time outdoors the first years of their careers. Typical entry-level responsibilities might include measuring and grading trees, evaluating insect outbreaks, conducting land surveys, working in...read more. Q: Who will hire you as a forester?A:The Department of Labors Occupational Outlook Handbook says Conservation scientists and foresters held about 39,000 jobs. Nearly 3 out of 10 workers were in the Federal Government, mostly in the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Foresters were concentrated in the USDAs Forest Service...read more. Q: What training is required to be a forester?A:Of all the professions, forestry may be the most misunderstood of the lot. Many kids and adults asking me about becoming a forester havent a clue that it takes a four-year degree or higher. The stereotypical picture is of a job spent in the forest, or...read more. Q: Do foresters have to be licensed?A:Fifteen states have mandatory licensing or voluntary registration requirements that a forester must meet in order to acquire the title professional forester and practice forestry in the state. In many cases you do not have to be licensed if you work on federal...read more. Q: What are the chances of new foresters finding jobs?A:If you are a new forester and using this FAQ, the odds of you finding a forestry job have just dramatically increased. Information included here will get you started in a big way and uses the Internet to the fullest extent....read more. Q: What are some tips on finding forestry employment?A:First, be working on a bachelors or technical degree in forestry. Decide in what area of forestry you want to work (state, federal, industry, consulting, academic)...read more. Q: What are future prospects for finding a job as a forester?A:Here are some predictions from the Department of Labor:Employment of conservation scientists and foresters is expected to grow about as fast as the average for all occupations through 2008. Growth should be strongest in State and local governments and in research and testing services, where demand ...read more. Q: How much money do foresters make?A:The Occupational Outlook Handbook reports that Median annual earnings of foresters in 2008 was $53,750. The middle 50 percent earned between $42,980 and $65,000. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $35,190 and the highest 10 percent earned...read more.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Ancient Rme. When in Rome... Clthing, Sprts And Government Essay

Ancient Rme. When in Rome... Clthing, Sprts And Government - Essay Example The city f Rme has tremendus envirnmental advantages, because f that it made it easier fr Rme t becme an imprtant city. The city f Rme is lcated the first place peple culd cme when they crssed the Tiger river, s it is the natural lcatin f the main nrth-suth rad in Italy. There are imprtant salt flats near the city f Rme, because salt is s imprtant in the ancient wrld. As Rmans expanded their empire they encuntered many different envirnments. The Rman army had t learn different ways f fighting ways f cnquering different areas. During the perid f the Rman Empire (100 B.C. t 500 A.D.) Rmans had envirnmental advantage f cntrlling the Mediterranean Sea. Als anther advantage is getting fds and materials frm lts f different envirnments. Yu culd get tin frm England, wd frm Germany, cttn frm Egypt, and silver frm Spain. Rmans started ff as farmers and shepherds. They never lst the lve f "simple"cuntry life. In the spring farmers prepared field strips using heavy flws pulled by an xen. They planted by seeds by hand. They tls farmers used were irn spades, hes, wden rakes fr cutting grass, they have knifes fr cutting wheat called sickles and scythes. Even thugh they have knifes they invented a wheat cutting machine called Vallus. A vallus is a 2-weeled cart pushed by a hrse r mule. Farmers tk crps frm Asia and the Mediterranean all ver Eurpe. They were als Rman dctrs. They relied n a mixture f cmmn sense, superstitin and what had wrked befre. They didn't understand the causes f disease. Dctrs were usually men. Sme medicines are based n plants. Pppy seed is ne f the main seed medicines. Pppy seed juice is given t crying babies because it helped them t sleep. The mdern pain-killing drug mrphine is made frm pppy seed. Clthing Ancient Rman wmen wre lse tunics. The main garment is an ankle length stla tied at the waist belw their breast. A brch at the shulder fastened the stla. ver it, a rectangle clth usually drpped ver ne shulder, arund back. They usually wre sandals. At hme they wre elegant slippers. Wmen wh culd nt affrd shes went bareft. The material that rman wmen used was linen. Wealthy wmen wre silk imprted frm India r China. Pr wmen were fashined with curse brwn and grey clth. In the cld weather wmen wre crapes, shawls and scarfs. Als they wre wlen scks, stckings, and prbably mittens. British wmen wre a Gallic cat which is a wide lse tunic with sleeves. Sprts In the city Rme there is a place called campus. It was an ld drill grund fr sldiers. It was a large sectin f plain near the Tiber River. vertime campus became Rme's track and field playgrund. Even famus peple such as Caesar and Augustus exercised in campus. Peple might jump in the Tiber River t have a swim r wander ff and relax by taking a bath. Men practice riding, fencing, wrestling, thrwing, swimming, hunting and fishing. At hme men play ball befre they have dinner. A ppular ball game is t thrw the ball as high as pssible and catch it befre it hit the grund. Wmen didn't jin these games. Rmans played many ball games, but nt all f them had specific names. Sme f them were difficult. nly a few games that culd be frmulated with a ball and a circle. Defense And War Rman armr is usually made ut f irn r steel and had wden r bne hand grips. The leginnaire was usually armed with a dagger r swrd. The leginnaire's favrite was a shrt-bladed duble-edged stabbing weapn. Ft sldiers had thrwing spears, shrt bws r javelins. There are tw main artillery machines t thrw missiles. Catapult and, a cmmn siege weapn called ballista. It was military equipment that culd hurl a large bulder up t 600 ft. Gvernment The